Wednesday, June 10, 2009

So much for potty training.  I was hoping to really push it this week and try to have Gareth potty trained by the time Micah got back from his trip on Friday but alas he will not cooperate.  Every morning i get up and change him and say "let's put on big boy underwear and you can go potty on the big boy potty."  And what does he do???  He whines and says "No, no, no, diaper" and will go and get a pull up.  He refuses to wear his big boy underwear.  He had actually been showing more interest this last week so i though we'd have some luck this week but i guess not.

Monday, June 8, 2009

7 months preggo!!!

Woohoo, i can't believe how fast this pregnancy has seemed to go.  She is growing and making it harder and harder for me to breath, ugh!!  I never had that with Gareth, alot of the time i have to yawn in order to get a deep breath.  We've had so many ultrasounds this pregnancy and we have one more next month.  Our latest was our 2nd 4D and Micah was able to be there for this one.  She looks just like her daddy!!!  She is soooo precious and i just can't wait for her to get here.  I've had sciatica problems pretty much the whole pregnancy but i increased my workout routine about a month ago and since doing that I have been pain free.  It has been such a blessing.  Working out is giving me so much energy and i feel 1000 times better, plus i know she is enjoying it b/c she is moving more.  She is a pretty quiet and laid back baby.  Gareth was so busy when he was in my belly, he use to do barrel rolls across my tummy and kicked ALL the time.  She is much more subtle and really only gets active in there about 4 times a day.  Gareth is going to be such a great big brother!!!  He loves little babies and he's always kissing my stomach and saying "Baby Sissy" or "Kahman"...haha I love how he says Kahlan, it is so cute.  He is growing and changing so much everyday.  He is sooooo smart.  I know as a Mom i'm suppose to think that but people are constantly telling us how smart he is for his age.  When he turned 2 he already knew the whole alphabet including recognizing each letter and could count to 20.  Now he does all of that, knows all his colors, all his shapes, can count backwards from 10, can count by 10 up to a hundred (we are working on counting backwards from 100) and knows the sounds that each letter makes.  He is always thinking.  It's so amazing, he totally thinks outside of the box, if you give him a chip, he refers to it by it's shape, when we walk down the grocery store isles he is constantly picking out numbers and letters in places you'd never think to look.  I love that he is so eager to learn, I hope Kahlan is the same way.  He is still a big love bug.  He loves giving hugs and kisses and wants to give them to you ALL the time.  It's the greatest feeling when you leave, even if it's just to go to the gym for an hour, and you come home and he just runs and gives you the biggest hug and kiss.  I love it!!!
Micah is gone all this week on high adventure with the YM.  This is his first time going and i know he is going to have a blast.  They are staying at a members cabin in Beaver, UT and hiking 4 miles one night to do a big camp-out by a lake.  Im sure he will have lots to tell when he gets back.  Gareth and I are missing him so much already, he's only been gone a few hours but this is the first time he's ever left us and it isn't easy.  He finished his EMT-I on May 8th and he passed his written exam the first time he took it which is pretty rare.  Most people have to take it twice.  We are so proud of him and his diligence and hard work.  He is now looking for part time work to get some experience and will start a fire science class at CSN in September.  He is working so hard and doing everything he can to prepare for the FD and I am extremely proud of him.  I am married to the most amazing man!!!!  I will forever be grateful for all that he has sacrificed and had to go through in order to provide for our family.  I thank my Heavenly Father for him everyday.  
Well, that about sums up all that is going on for us.  I'm trying to be better about posting but i'm just not...haha  

4th of July Parade

4th of July Parade

Otter Pops

Otter Pops