WEll it has been two weeks so i figure it's about time that i announce the arrival of Kahlan Gael Andersen. I was scheduled to have an amnio the morning of the 10th and scheduled to be induced on the evening of the 10th. I guess Kahlan had a different plan in mind, a lot like her brother. I was scheduled to be induced on my due date with Gareth and went into labor 2 days before which is exactly what happened with Kahlan. I started having contractions on Saturday morning around 10:30 and they stayed consistantly 5 min apart, at around 1 I called my dr and he told me to wait another hour and call him back. Well, after an hour they were 2 min apart but they weren't progressing in strength so I called my dr and he told me to get my butt to the hospital...haha his exact words....love my OB he's the best. So, we started getting ready, Micah took Gareth to the Jorgensen's and came back and picked Mom and I up and off we went. We got to the hospital at about 3:30 or 4 (can't rem exactly). They put me in a room and started me on fluids b/c I was having "irritation" between my contractions and they wanted to knock that out so they could see my actual contractions and how often they were coming. After receiving 2 bags of fluids the nurse came in and said that the dr wanted her to give me phenagrin and morphine. Apparently if you are in labor morphine will push you deeper into labor and if it's false labor it will actually stop your labor so this was the best way to determine for sure if i was in actual labor. BRING ON THE MORPHINE, i slept for about an hour and half to two hours, they gave me the morphine at 7 and when i woke up i was still contracting and the nurse announced that we would be staying and we were for sure going to be welcoming our little girl soon. She checked me around this time and i was dilated at a 4-4 1/2, but they didn't want to break my water b/c Kahlan wasn't dropping low enough and due to my high fluid they were afraid if they broke my water to soon that she would drop to fast and the umbilical cord would get wrapped around her head. So, we all just went to sleep and waited..haha They woke me up around 3 and checked me again, i was almost a 5 so they went ahead and broke the flood gates...haha and called the anesthesiologist for my epidural. The anesthesiologist got there around 4 and and gave me my epidural which was great but i really wasn't feeling to much anyways thanks to the morphine. My dr called around 5 and was wondering why i hadn't delivered yet, he was a little ticked that they had waited so long to break my water but oh well...haha he had them go ahead and start me on potosin. After that i started to progress really fast, i was dilated about a centimeter an hour or a little more. They called my dr at 8:30 since i was dilated to an 8, and he got there a little before 9. I was dilated at a 9 when he got there and we started pushing. He had them turn off my epidural when he got there but i still wasn't feeling anything and the morphine was still holding strong and i was chilled as can be. I pushed for 30 min and at 9:27 am we welcomed Kahlan Gael weighing 7lbs 1 oz and 19 1/2 in long. It was the best labor experience ever. She was born right at 37 weeks and was as healthy as can be. She has been the best little baby. She will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. She has been jaundice since we brought her home but it started clearing up and going away around Wednesday. She is awake for about 4-6 hours a day and sleeps and eats really well. She has been such a blessing to our little family. Gareth struggled with having her here for the first few days but on day 6 he held her for the first time and ever since he has been loving the role of big brother and is wanting to hug and kiss her all the time. We were afraid Gareth would revert on on his potty training when we got her home but he picked up right where we left off and he is doing great. He still wears a pull up during naptime and at night but he stays dry all day. My heart is so full and I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and to have these 2 amazing children. I am recovering well and we are loving life.