Tuesday, April 14, 2009

So, Gareth is showing a little bit of interest in potty training but not near enough.  We can't lay him down for naps in just a tshirt and diaper anymore b/c he will take is diaper off and pee in the crib or if he has pooped, then he will play in it and smear it EVERYWHERE.  So, this last week we went to the dr and found out that he has a sinus infection so he has been on some heavy duty antibiotics that are causing him to have diarrhea.  He has really bad diaper rash so i've been trying to do some potty training but it has been a no go.  He will go and sit on the potty but will never go.  On Saturday, we laid him down for his nap with pants on and a tshirt, 40 min late Micah went to check on him and he had been digging in his diaper and smearing poop all over him and all over the crib.  So i'm pretty sure these are all signs that we should be potty training and i'm totally trying but he just really doesn't want to go yet.  It's driving me nuts.  

We had a great Easter.  We had 2 really great talks in sacrament meeting and our ward choir sand 2 really beautiful songs along with 1 song from the primary children.  After church, we had a small egg hunt with Gareth which he loved and then Gareth and I went to the Jorgensen's for Easter dinner.  Nothing exciting has happened thus far this week, it is a pretty busy week though.  I'll try to stay on top of things and update when something fun happens..haha


Jordan said...

Cole was very tough to potty train! It took us a good year to get him potty trained during the day. He still isnt potty trained at night yet. Good Luck!!

Micah and Callie Andersen said...

Thanks, i'm hoping it wont take THAT long. Hopefully he will finally catch on and just want to do it.

Brianne said...

Claire would do that whole "digging in the diaper" routine during naptime when she was around 18 months. She never smeared it everywhere, though. I was always able to catch her before she got into too much trouble, thank goodness! I would put Claire on her potty maybe once every 2 weeks to see if she wanted to go and to see if she was ready. It took a couple of months of doing that before she was actually ready to be potty trained. And then once she was ready, I put her in real panties and set the timer to go off every 45 minutes. When she heard the bell, she knew it was time to go. It worked out really well for us. She is completely potty trained for the day and sometimes will even wake me up at 3 a.m. to let me know she has to go.

Good luck with Gareth! Sorry my comment is so long!

Micah and Callie Andersen said...

Thanks for the help Brianne, i will try it. I dont mind long comments, they are actually nice...haha

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