Gareth is getting so big, we went to the pediatrician the week before we left for MS and he weighed 27lbs (50th%) and was 35" tall (90th%). We were suppose to get a hearing evaluation but he screamed and hated every second of it so they were never able to get an accurate result. Dr. Conti heard a heart murmur so he referred us to a pediatric cardiologists but said he wasn't to concerned that it was probably a growth spurt. Well, we went to the cardiologist this week and everything is great and fine, Gareth is healthy as can be and his heart and everything looks great. Also, this week Gareth crawled out of his crib for the first time...(oh no!! it's official he's a big boy). I spanked him and put him back in and told him "NO, NO!" He crawled out 2 more times and hasn't done it since. I peek in and see him thinking about it sometime but he hasn't tried since i spanked him and told him no.
Let's see, Micah started his EMT-I class last wednesday and quit the same night..haha The instructor didn't know the material and was dropping the f-bomb every other word and Micah just couldn't sit through it. So we called the schools director and lucky us she loves Micah and apologized and told him about another EMT-I class that will start sometime next month, it's an accelerated class so he'll finish in 2 months instead of 4 months...YAY!!!! The down side is, it is on Wednesday's and Friday's 8-5 and i work both of those days, so we are going to have to get a sitter or put him in daycare, but luckily it's only for 2 months.
I guess that's pretty much everything that has happened. I'm still working, kinda getting over it and would rather be at home but we are enjoying the extra cash and being able to pay off stuff and save also, so i'll stick in there a little Sorry i haven't posted any recent pics, i'm getting bad a taking pictures, it's hard to pull out Micah's big professional camera just to take snap shots of Gareth. I told Micah that i wanted a small point and shoot camera for
Let's see, what else, Heather totally got me addicted to the twilight series a month ago. She called me when she was on New Moon and told me i just had to read Twilight. I went and bought the book and finished all 4 in like 7 days and Heather still hasn't finished the series..haha Now i have like 5 people at my salon reading the books and we are all going to go to the movie when it comes out.. If anyone has any reading suggestions, i'm all ears. I need something new to read!!!
I love the Twilight series, too. I am a little bit ashamed to say that I'm obsessed and find myself thinking about Edward. At first, I was disappointed in the casting of Edward for the movie, but as I watch the trailer, I get over it. ;) I can't believe how big Gareth is. CRAZY! He is so tall. Claire is a little runt at 20 pounds and 32 inches. I enjoy reading your updates and miss you, lil sis!
When did Gareth get so big?! The last time I saw pics he still looked like a baby, and now he is such a big boy!!! He is so cute!
It was so good to see you guys and get to spend some time with you--Tori and Zak loved playing with Gareth!! I can't believe we didn't take any pics while ya'll were here!
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