Thursday, April 2, 2009

To big, Too Fast

Ok, so my tummy is growing way to fast with this pregnancy.  I know it's normal when it's your second but gosh dang it i dont like it.  I suck at blogging, as you are well aware.  Maybe i will be better when Kahlan gets here, haha hopefully I will have more to write about.  

I will be 19 wks on Saturday.  This pregnancy seems to be going by a lot slower than Gareth's.  We found out last week for sure that she is a girl, which i knew she was the whole time..haha   This pregnancy has been a lot different than the first.  I'm still having sciatic pain, with Gareth it only lasted my 1st trimester but it continues to flair atleast everyday if not every other day.  I think i'm still having it because she sits low.  Gareth sat high and she is sitting pretty low.  Atleast i'm hoping that's why i'm still having it.  

I quit my job 2 weeks ago.  This is my second week being at home full time.  Last week didn't really feel like I wasn't working.  We had to go to Vegas pretty much everyday for something here and there.  I had to take Gareth to the Dr., he just had an upper resp. infection, nothing to bad thank goodness.  I cut 4 peoples hair on Tuesday night and then had 2 haircuts and a color on Saturday.  I felt like i was more busy last week than i was when i was working.  I'm watching 2 little girls for 4 hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, they are 2 and 3 and Gareth loves to play with them.  

Gareth is growing way fast and talking so much.  He is such a smart little boy.  He knows all of his ABC's and can count to 20.  His favorite thing in the world is for us to write letters and him to tell us what they are, or for us to spell words and him to learn new words.  He knows tons of shapes, thanks to an ELMO game we have he even knows what an octagon is.  We are still working on colors, i think he knows them, but is unwilling to say them, or atleast that is my observation.  He is loving that my belly is growing.  He will come up to me when i'm laying on the couch and start pulling my shirt up saying "Baby" and pointing to my belly.  I'll say "Yes, Baby sister is in momma's tummy" and he'll say "KISS" and kiss my belly and give it loves.  It is the cutest thing ever.  Yesterday Micah got out of the shower and Gareth of course had to go in the bathroom to see him.  Micah starts telling me, "well, i'm officially fat.  Gareth just pointed to my stomach and said "Baby"."  I just busted up laughing, it was the funniest thing ever.  

Micah is almost finished with his EMT-I class.  He only has 4 weeks left.  I can't believe how fast this class has gone by.  He is loving it.  He has had 2 clinicals in the hospital and both have been great learning experiences.  His last one was this past monday and he did about 12 IV's and 12 blood draws, which is what he really needed to practice b/c that will be a lot of his normal day to day calls.  

Well, i hope i have caught everyone up on everything.  Not much else is going on that i can think of at the moment but then again, my brain has been completely fried by this pregnancy.  Maybe i will think of something later.


Jordan said...

That is so funny! The other day Leila came up to me and said I want a baby in my belly. I said you have to wait until you are married. The next day she saw me get sick and I said it is ok its just the baby and she said I don't want a baby anymore mommy. I thought it was so funny!

Tina said...

Congratulations on expecting a baby girl!
I loved the update!

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