Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dr appt

I had my weekly dr appt yesterday.  Everything still looks good, i'm still dilated at a 1 and 60%efaced.  He did decide that because my fluid level remains high and the increasing problems i'm having breathing and the pressure in my shoulders that if she doesn't come on her own in the next week and a half he is going to schedule an amnio for the morning of the 10th and will prob induce that afternoon if her lungs are mature enough.  I go for our growth assessment tomorrow so we will have a good idea of how big she is.  So, no matter what i know we will have her here in less than 2 weeks!!!  
So, we have been working on potty training for almost a week now.  Gareth is doing so well, he hasn't had an accident in 3 days, i'm thinking it may take another full week for him to be completely trained.  I was hoping to have him trained by the end of this week but i'm thinking it may take a little longer...we'll see.  He's still not asking and wanting to go, i'm still having to say "Ok, let's go sit on the potty."  He is getting increasingly excited for his new baby sister.  I think it is finally starting to sink in that mom is having a baby and that he is gonna be a big brother.  He goes with us to my fetal assessment appointments and he gets so excited.  As soon as we get into the room and he sees the monitor he starts smiling and saying "Baby Kahlan" before they even get me hooked up.  He is such a good boy, he sits there the whole time and just loves to watch her.  The days that we get pictures from our ultrasounds he has his hand outstretched for baby kahlan and he keeps the pictures with him until we get home.  It's so cute.  Gareth is soooo big.  Everywhere we go, people comment on how tall he is and are so shocked to learn that he is only 2.  He's as tall as a lot of friends with 3 and 4 yr olds.  He towers over the 3 yr olds and is about the same size as the 4 yr olds, it's crazy!!!  He's suppose to be my little boy but he is sooooo big.  He is full of sooooo much personality and is making us laugh all the time.  He has this new thing where he will tell you he wants something for example he loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and last night he wanted to watch it and asked his Daddy for Mickey but then continued to have his own conversation with himself and this is how it went  "Mickey, mickey, what do you say.....please.....ok what do u say......Ank you (thank you).....ok welcome."  We were laughing because he kept saying this over and over, he probably had that same conversation with himself like 4 times.  This is our normal routine, when he ask for something i always ask him "what do you say" and he will say "please" and once i give it to him i say "Now what do you say" and he will say "Thank You" and i'll say "your welcome" and he says "you welcome."  We are also working on "Yes sir, No sir, Yes Mamam and No Mamam."  I am bound and determined for my kids to show respect b/c most dont out here.  It's so different from growing up in MS.  PLus, it makes you feel good when you are out places and someone gives him something and he always says "Thank you" and people are always commenting on how polite he is.  


Jordan said...

Wow that is so exciting that she will be here in the next 2 weeks! I am so jealous! Gareth is going to be such a great big brother! I am kind of worried about Lilly. I have been trying to teach her not to be jealous if I hold other babies or baby dolls. She just doesn't get it.

Micah and Callie Andersen said...

My only concern is how well he will do with me nursing, he is such a momma's boy and i'm afraid he will try and sit on her head when i'm nursing her...haha

Stacey said...

Callie! I tried calling your the other day but your phone didn't go to voicemail :( I'm in town know and so excited to see you. Glad to hear things are on track with the pregnancy and your dr's have a close eye on you. I'm can't wait to see your little girl!

How do you pronounce her name?

And, haha, Sarah sits on Cecily's head while I'm nursing her!!! I can usually catch her in time but Sarah just wants to be all up in things, its funny :)

4th of July Parade

4th of July Parade

Otter Pops

Otter Pops