Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Preg update

I'm sure most of you know about my issues the last few weeks but for those who dont i thought i would blog about it.  I went in for my regular scheduled ultrasound earlier in the month and when they measured my amniotic fluid it measured 24.5, which is considered to be high.  So, they started scheduling me twice a week for NST ultrasounds and stress test to monitor Kahlan and to check my fluid.  The next week when we went back my fluid had jumped to 27.2 cm, but then went back down 2 days later to 25cm.  The issues with high amniotic fluid is it can cause your body to think you are further along than you actually are and can cause pre-term labor which i experienced last Wednesday at 33 1/2 wks.  They gave me two bags a fluid thinking that i was possibly dehydrated and that was what was causing me to go into labor but the fluids didn't stop the contractions so they had to give me shots to stop them.  3 shots later and 3 hours later they finally stoppped, but not before they gave me steroid shots to help mature her lungs.  I was sent home on bedrest and then the next night (Thursday) i started contracting again and had to go back to the hospital for another 3 shots to stop my contractions.  My Mom flew out on Friday to help since i was put on bedrest and Micah works weekends.  I saw my dr yesterday and i'm still dilated at a 1 and about 60% efaced but he said if i go into labor after Saturday (I will be 35 wks) that he wont stop me and I can get off bedrest...yay!!!  If she hasn't made her appearance by 37wks they will probably do an amnio and if her lungs are mature enough, he will induce me.  


Jordan said...

Glad to hear everything is going back to normal. I hope all goes well!! I don't know how you are doing bed rest! I would go insane!!!!

Rebecca Hunt said...

37 weeks is still so early Cal!! take it easy so your cute little girl can be as healthy as possible. My friend had her baby 7 weeks early and even after multiple steroid shots for the lungs to develop, that is why he had to stay in the NICU for a couple weeks. And NO mom wants to be in there :( That shot just helps it, it doesn't make them develop completely. I hope you make it full term, that'll be best for both of you :) Call me if you need help or anything.

Micah and Callie Andersen said...

Not to worried about her coming at 37 wks, they will do an amnio first to make sure her lungs are mature that way she wont have to go into the NICU, plus i've had a total peace about the whole thing. Call it a mother's instinct, i just know she is gonna be perfect. She is measuring about 9 days ahead of my estimated due date and she was almost 5lbs as of 2 weeks ago.

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4th of July Parade

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