Friday, November 6, 2009

Checking In

Ok, so everyone knows i'm totally horrible at this blogging. You would think I would have so much to write about with a 2 year old and a 3 month old. So, let me give some updates. Gareth has been doing really well with his potty training up until this last week. He is trying to regress a little, he will pee his undies and then come to me with a big grin on his face and say "Potty." He's totally just doing it for the attention, so a friend gave me the idea that everytime he has an accident to strip him down and stick him in the shower with ice cold water and explain that we have to get him clean since he had an accident. He hates showers anyways and when it's freezing cold he hates it even more, he cries and shakes and says "Cold." It totally breaks my heart to be so mean but i've got to get it through to him that peeing in his pants is not a game. Other than that he is doing really well, he is starting to try my patience a lot more than he use to but that's a typical 2 year old. He's loving being a big brother and constantly wants to help with her in some way. He always wants to give her her binkie, and gets mad when i do it. Micah finally got his app in for the FD, we are just waiting on his letter inviting him to test. He is doing really well in his class and is basically the teacher's pet, it's totally cute. He's decided he's probably going to take 2 or 3 more classes next semester and is planning on having his Firefighter I by the end of next year, that way if he doesn't get on with City this time, he can get on the reserves here in Boulder once he gets his FF I and then they just move him up to full time employment when someone transfers out or an opening comes available.

Kahlan is getting big and doing really well. At her 2 month check up she was 12lbs 2 oz and 21 1/2 inches long. She is a little chunker....It's so stinking cute. Our pediatrician said since she was nursing so well that she will probably wait til she is 6 mos old to start her on solid foods, which is fine by me. She is such a great little baby, she smiles ALL the time, especially when she sees or hears her Daddy. She is a total Daddy's girl. She sleeps pretty good too, she normally goes down about 8:30 and sleeps til 5:30 or 6:30, goes right back to sleep for another hour or two after that. She's recently discovered her hands a feet more and is constantly attacking her hands. We are so blessed to have two wonderful, healthy children. We are hoping to get back to MS around Christmas time so everyone can see Kahlan, plus i'm just dying to go home and see my family.

Halloween was a lot of fun this year. We were afraid Gareth wasn't going to wear his costume and that he was going to be to scared to even trick or treat. He is going through this scared phase, everything is "pooky" (spooky). He was terrified of halloween sections in stores and scared to death of halloween stores in general. He would scream and cry "Scawy Scawy, Help ME, Help ME, " but he did great on Halloween. He loved his costume and we were hardly able to get him to take it off and he was bouncing from house to house. He loved being a Dino. He loves Dinosaurs and that is pretty much all that consumes him and his days. It's way cute. Kahlan was a Ghost for Halloween and i think she was the cutest ghost i've ever seen. Next week is the annual Aviation Nation Air Show at Nellis Air Force Base and we CANT WAIT!!!

1 comment:

Jordan said...

So cute! We went to Sams last night and they have the biggest stuffed animal dinosaur I have ever seen. I think it was like $20 and it was so cute!

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